A love story about words, literally about words. A Story from Anne’s book Dancing with LionsAnd Other Stories. You can find out more about her work at https://www.annebrooke.com
The Secret Thoughts of Leaves
by Anne Brooke
Henry wakes to find himself changed. A story from Anne’s book Dancing with Lions and Other Stories. You can find out more about her work at https://www.annebrooke.com
Day Care by Alan Goodchild
A lone figure sits fishing at Lodge Pond.
Psychology by Alan Goodchild
A tale of survival in the world of ideas.
The Ghost of Bishop Morley by Sophie Austin
With a short introduction from Sophie Austin, Ian Wilson-Soppitt brings us the ghostly presence of Bishop Morley, created by theatre and film director Sophie Austin, commissioned and produced by Roz Mortimer and Simon Aeppli (UCA) with sound design by Sam Cook, Atlas Davis, Ellie Holliday, Gabriel Nejah and James Wright.
Bishop Morley is one of a series of ten audio stories which take the listener on a ghost hunt around Farnham. This story-walk gives voice to those who have gone before as they share their stories and the resonances that keep them present today. Farnham’s phantoms can sometimes be heard and occasionally seen, but their presence is most felt as their energy reverberates through the bricks and mortar, the flag stones and cobbles, the wooden beams which creak with the memory of hanging bodies. Haunted Farnham is an immersive self-guided audio story walk taking you on a ghostly journey around Surrey’s most haunted town. Visit www.hauntedfarnham.com.
Missing by Alan Goodchild
A constable and a WPC visit Mrs Oldthorpe after her complaint about the youths upending the bins in her street. The interview takes an unexpected turn.